St. Paschal Baylón

St. Paschal Baylón

Born on Pentecost, in Paschal’s lifetime the Spanish empire in the New World was at the height of its power, though France and England were soon to reduce its influence. The 16th century has been called the Golden Age of the Church in Spain, for it gave birth to Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Xavier, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Peter of Alcantara, Francis Solano, and Salvator of Horta.

Paschal’s Spanish parents were poor and pious. Between the ages of seven and 24 he worked as a shepherd and began a life of mortification. He was able to pray on the job and was especially attentive to the church bell, which rang at the Elevation during Mass. Paschal had a very honest streak in him. He once offered to pay owners of crops for any damage his animals caused!

In 1564, Paschal joined the Friars Minor and gave himself wholeheartedly to a life of penance. Though he was urged to study for the priesthood, he chose to be a brother. At various times he served as porter, cook, gardener, and official beggar.

Paschal was careful to observe the vow of poverty. He would never waste any food or anything given for the use of the friars. When he was porter and took care of the poor coming to the door, he developed a reputation for great generosity. The friars sometimes tried to moderate his liberality!

Paschal spent his spare moments praying before the Blessed Sacrament. In time, many people sought his wise counsel. People flocked to his tomb immediately after his burial; miracles were reported promptly. Paschal was canonized in 1690 and was named patron of eucharistic congresses and societies in 1897.

The Rosary is the best therapy for these distraught, unhappy, fearful, and frustrated souls, precisely because it involves the simultaneous use of three powers: the physical, the vocal, and the spiritual, and in that order.

— Archbishop Fulton Sheen

The Rosary is THE WEAPON.

— St. Padre Pio

The rosary is the scourge of the devil

— Pope Adrian VI

The Rosary is a school for learning true Christian perfection.

— Pope John XXIII

The rosary is a treasure of graces.

— Pope Paul V

Among all the devotions approved by the Church none has been favored by so many miracles as the devotion of the most Holy Rosary.

— Pope Pius IX

If there were one million families praying the Rosary every day, the entire world would be saved.

— Pope St. Pius X

If our age in its pride laughs at and rejects Our Lady’s Rosary, a countless legion of the most saintly men of every age and of every condition have not only held it most dear and have most piously recited it but have also used it at all times as a most powerful weapon to overcome the devil, to preserve the purity of their lives, to acquire virtue more zealously, in a word, to promote peace among men.

— Pope Pius XI

There is no surer means of calling down God’s blessing upon the family than the daily recitation of the Rosary.

— Pope Pius XII

The greatest method of praying is to pray the Rosary.

— St. Francis de Sales

The rosary is the most powerful weapon to touch the Heart of Jesus, Our redeemer, who loves His Mother.

— St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort